Dependently typed folds
folds that change type at each step!
Posted on December 19, 2020

I have been working with dependent types for a bit now, and it really changes how I view even the most fundamental of functional operations. Dependent types allow us to explore functions where the type of an intermediate or output value dynamically changes type depending on the input value. We will look at the standard fold functions, and how they take on a new meaning in a dependently typed context.

The standard fold

In functional programming languages like Haskell, we like to use higher order functions as a way to simplify control flow. One of the most ubiquitous higher order functions is the fold.

-- A right fold. If we unroll the fold, it would look like
-- step x₀ (step x₁ (step x₂ … (step xₙ base)))
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr step base []     = base
foldr step base (x:xs) = step x (foldr step base xs)

The fold allows us to consume some data structure (a list in this case) one element at a time, producing an intermediate result each time an element of the structure is passed to the step function. For example, we can convert a list into the sum of its elements by using the step function (+) that adds the sum of the elements it has already seen to the next element of the list to be consumed.

sum :: (Num c) => [c] -> c
sum xs = foldr (\value intermediate -> value + intermediate) 0 xs
--                                     └──────────────────┘
--                               The new intermediate value after
--                                    each step of the fold.

To get a better handle on what happens at each step, let’s look at the type that GHC will infer given our type signature. When GHC type checks our sum function, it attempts to unify all type variables, meaning that the type checker looks for types that make sense every place that a type variable is used.

--                    These must be the same type b
--                      ↓    ↓     ↓           ↓
--       foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
sum xs = foldr (\value intermediate -> value + intermediate) 0 xs
--                          ↑          └────────↑─────────┘  ↑ 
--                     These must be values of the same concrete type

If we want to figure out a and b when type checking the sum function, we can determine what constraints GHC will use to find the type for each type variable. Focusing on the constraints for b, using the notation b ~ constraint to mean “b must satisfy the constraint1, we can derive the following.

  • b ~ Num c => c (from the base case 0)
  • b ~ c (from (+))

From these constraints, the compiler will determine that b must be a c, as c is the only type that satisfies both constraints above.

Folds have another trick up their sleeve; they can be used to build up a new structure. We can define another common higher order function, the map function, in terms of foldr to demonstrate this property.

map :: (c -> d) -> [c] -> [d]
map f xs = foldr (\value intermediate -> f value : intermediate) [] xs
--                                       └────────────────────┘
--                                  The new intermediate _list_ after
--                                       each step of the fold.

If we do the same analysis for map as we did with sum to find out what the type variables should be

--                            These must be the same b
--                            ↓    ↓     ↓           ↓
--             foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
map (+ 1) xs = foldr (\value intermediate -> value + 1 : intermediate) [] xs
--                                ↑          └──────────↑───────────┘  ↑ 
--                            These must be values of the same concrete type

we get the following constraints, where c and d come from the map function.

  • b ~ [d] (from the base case [])
  • d ~ c (by unifying c from the input list and the (+ 1) function)

From these constraints, the Haskell compiler can derive an extra constraint that is noteworthy.

(a -> b -> b) ~ c -> [c] -> [c] -- (from the step function passed to `foldr`)

This constraint means that at each step of the fold, a list is given as input and a list is returned as output. What is different about this fold from the sum case is that the underlying structure of the intermediate value in each step of the fold is different. To elaborate a bit more, if we take the sum of a list of 64-bit Ints, our intermediate values after each invocation of step have the same structure.

--  64 bit Int   64 bit Int
--       ↓         ↓
Num c => c -> c -> c
--            ↑
--        64 bit Int

If we apply map to a list of 64-bit Ints, we have a structure that grows in length each time step is called.

--     Int         [Int]
--      ∣     of length n + 1!
--      ↓            ↓
step :: c -> [c] -> [c]
--            ↑
--          [Int]
--       of length n

For types that do not keep track of structure (the length of the list), there is no difference between how the sum and map folds operate. What if we did start keeping track of the structure in the type? Can the sum function and the map function still be defined in terms of the same fold function?

Dependent types enable types that keep track of structure

Dependent types allows us to have the type of some value depend on another value. This allows us to define a type similar to a list called Vec (short for vector) where the length of the list is encoded in the type. The common definition for Vec is as follows2.

data Vec (n :: Nat) (a :: Type) where
    Nil :: Vec 0 a
    Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (n + 1) a

What does the n :: Nat notation mean? We are saying that the type of the input to Vec has a kind named Nat. A kind is essentially the type of a type. Types that have a value, such as Int, often have the kind Type, while the kind Nat represents the types 0, 1, 2, etc.

The Vec type3 we have defined can have values of type a and must be lists of length n. For example, if we have the type Vec 4 Int, we know that any values of this type must have four elements and each element must be an Int, for a total of 256 bytes of memory used (for 64 bit Ints).

Given that we are working with objects that are the same as lists, it seems reasonable that we can define a fold for Vec.

-- foldr for the Vec type
vfoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vec n a -> b
vfoldr step base Nil           = base
vfoldr step base (x `Cons` xs) = step x (vfoldr step base xs)

This is precisely the same definition as before; the only component that has changed is that we are keeping track of the length of the input Vec and the names of the data constructors (Cons instead of :, Nil instead of []). We can define the sum of a vector in the same way as we did on lists.

vsum :: Num c => Vec n c -> c
vsum xs = vfoldr (+) 0 xs

So we should be able to recreate map using vfoldr, right?

vmap :: (c -> d) -> Vec n c -> Vec n d
vmap f xs = vfoldr (\value intermediate -> f value `Cons` intermediate) Nil xs
  • Couldn't match type ‘n’ with ‘0’
    ‘n’ is a rigid type variable bound by
      the type signature for:
        vmap :: forall c d (n :: Nat). (c -> d) -> Vec n c -> Vec n d
    Expected type: Vec n d
      Actual type: Vec 0 d

Oh no, what happened?! Let’s look at the constraints that GHC is attempting to resolve in this case.

--                            These must be the same b
--                          ↓    ↓     ↓               ↓
--          vfoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vec n a -> b
vmap f xs = vfoldr (\value intermediate -> f value `Cons` intermediate) Nil xs
--                              ↑          └────────────↑────────────┘   ↑
--                            These must be values of the same concrete type
  • b ~ Vec n d (from the result type of vmap)
  • b ~ Vec 0 d (from the type of Nil)

The constraints tell us that GHC wants to show that Vec n d ~ Vec 0 d since both types of Vec must are associated with the same type variable b. GHC rightly tells us that this is not possible, for it would also have to show that n ~ 0 for all possible ns. And unfortunately there are more natural numbers than just zero!

There is a second conundrum in the constraints GHC is trying to solve, but GHC only reports the first error. To find this error, we need to look at the step function types.

  • (a -> b -> b) ~ c -> Vec n d -> Vec (n + 1) d (from the definition of vfoldr and Cons)
  • b ~ Vec n d (from the second argument type in the first constraint)
  • b ~ Vec (n + 1) d (from the result type in the first constraint)

In a dependently typed context, the fold that preserves a structure (vsum) is fundamentally different from a fold that can change the structure at each step (vmap). This is to say that in the case of vsum, each invocation takes and returns the same type for the intermediate value, but for the vmap case, the type is different for each intermediate value. Luckily, it is possible to define a fold where we provide the compiler some information on how the type changes at each step using a dependently typed fold.

Defining the dependently typed fold on vectors

To define a dependently typed fold, we need a few pieces first. First we need a type level function that tells us what our type should be before and after each call to step. We define a convenient name for how many steps we have taken so far in the fold

type StepOfFold = Nat -- StepOfFold is a kind

and then define the kind of the type level function that tells us what type we should expect at any step in the fold.

StepFunction :: StepOfFold -> Type

For example, an instance of StepFunction could be the following function (in pseudocode)

NatToVec :: Type -> StepFunction
NatToVec a = \n -> Vec n a

to which we could apply a specific type a and length n to make a complete type4.

NatToVec Int 3 = Vec 3 Int

Unfortunately Haskell cannot represent type level functions quite this cleanly. The first restriction is that the kind StepFunction has to be encoded using the TyFun construct

type StepFunction = TyFun Nat Type -> Type

where TyFun Nat Type represents the StepFunction we had previously defined and the the -> Type piece is required when returning a data type from the type level step function5.

When we are defining a StepFunction function, we often want to keep track of an auxiliary type that is constant, for example the a we end up needing to define Vec n a. We could use NatToVec to hold onto the type of the Vec if we partial apply the function as NatToVec a. However, Haskell’s type level functions cannot be partially applied6. Therefore, we must store the type we want to use in another type such as HoldMyType7, and use the Apply type family to define the StepFunction function itself.

--                                   StepFunction
--                          ┌───────────────────────────┐
data HoldMyType (a :: Type) (f :: TyFun Nat Type) :: Type
type instance Apply (HoldMyType a) nth_step = Vec nth_step a

Apply is a type family instance which allows us to hold onto some types before we are passed the current step number, enabling us to bypass the problem of no partial type level functions. Apply can be written infix as @@; instead of writing

(NatToVec Int) 3 = Vec 3 Int

as we would with a normal value level function, we will write

(HoldMyType Int) @@ 3 = Vec 3 Int

to determine the type at a particular step.

With type level functions, we can now define the dependently typed fold. The function signature is as follows.

-- This function is copied from the Clash library, where it is
-- defined as Clash.Sized.Vector.dfold
dfoldr :: forall p n a . KnownNat n
       => Proxy (p :: StepFunction)
       -> (forall l . SNat l -> a -> (p @@ l) -> (p @@ (l + 1)))
       -> p @@ 0
       -> Vec n a
       -> p @@ n

There is a bunch going on in this type signature, so let’s break it down by each argument to dfoldr. The first part of the signature is

dfoldr :: forall p n a . KnownNat n =>

which specifies the KnownNat constraint for the length of our input vector n. This constraint allows us to pass in the type level natural number of the input vector into other type level functions through the use of snatProxy in the definition.

The next line

Proxy (p :: StepFunction)

says that our dfoldr function will take in a type level function for how to generate the type at each step of the fold. This function is sometimes called the motive.

The next line

(forall l . SNat l -> a -> (p @@ l) -> (p @@ (l + 1)))

is the value level function that takes some input value (of type a), the intermediate value we have thus far (of type p @@ l for step l), and generates the next intermediate value (of type p @@ (l + 1) for step l + 1). For example, we could have in a function that adds one to the incoming element and then combine the result with a vector that is being built up as the intermediate value.

step :: Num a
     => SNat l -- The current step number
     -> a
     -> (HoldMyType a) @@ l       -- Vec l a
     -> (HoldMyType a) @@ (l + 1) -- Vec (l + 1) a
step l x xs = (x + 1) `Cons` xs

For this particular step function, we do not need to use l when defining the function, as the increase in the step is taken into account in the function’s type.

The last few lines of the dfoldr type are the same base case, input vector, and result type as foldr, but with the base and result type parameterized by which step of the fold they are related to (0 for base, n for the end of the fold).

-> p @@ 0 -- Base case, i.e. the first intermediate value (such as `Nil`)
-> Vec n a  -- The `Vec` to fold over
-> p @@ n -- The type after the final step in the fold.

Now that we have the dfoldr function type, how is it defined?

-- If we unroll the dependent fold, it would look like
-- step n x₀ (step (n - 1) x₁ (step (n - 2) x₂ … (step 0 xₙ base)))
dfoldr _ step base xs = go (snatProxy (asNatProxy xs)) xs
    go :: SNat l -> Vec l a -> (p @@ l)
    go _         Nil                       = base
    go step_num (y `Cons` (ys :: Vec z a)) = 
      let step_num_minus_one = step_num `subSNat` d1 -- (d1 is the same as 1)
      in  step step_num_minus_one y (go step_num_minus_one ys)

If we look at just the definition of go, we see that it is the same as foldr with the minor addition of passing around a natural number using SNat. This natural number represents the step we are on; as we go recursively deeper into the fold, we decrement this number until we hit zero, in which case we return the base case base of type p @@ 0. The rest of the snatProxy, asNatProxy, and SNat components are to shepherd around the changing step number through each call to go.

Notice that the motive function p is not used in the definition of dfoldr. This is because the function is used only at the type level; a value level Proxy object is used to pass around the motive function to other functions and has no tangible use as a value.

Can we dependently map now?

We now have all the blocks to define a map function for vectors! We will start out by defining the type level step function, which will be the same as HoldMyType with a more descriptive name.

data MapMotive (a :: Type) (f :: TyFun Nat Type) :: Type
type instance Apply (MapMotive a) l = Vec l a

We can now define the map function by passing in our type step function and the normal map value level step function. The foralls are required to allow the step type signature to refer to the same c and d that appear in the signature for vmap8.

vmap :: forall c d n. (KnownNat n) => (c -> d) -> Vec n c -> Vec n d
vmap f xs = dfoldr (Proxy :: Proxy (MapMotive d)) step Nil xs
    step :: forall step.
            SNat step
         -> c
         -> MapMotive d @@ step
         -> MapMotive d @@ (step + 1)
    step l x xs = f x `Cons` xs

GHC can infer where to apply the MapMotive function if the definition of the step is inlined, leading to a more compact definition.

vmap' :: forall c d n. (KnownNat n) => (c -> d) -> Vec n c -> Vec n d
vmap' f xs = dfoldr
  (Proxy :: Proxy (MapMotive d))                         -- type level step
  (\l value intermediate -> f value `Cons` intermediate) -- value level step
  Nil xs

So we now have a way to specify vmap that GHC is happy with! Let’s break down the constraints GHC reconstructs to be able to verify why this works for ourselves. The first problem we had was that the base case passed in had a different type than the result (Vec 0 a ~ Vec n a).

  • p @@ 0 ~ (MapMotive d) @@ 0 ~ Vec 0 d
  • p @@ n ~ (MapMotive d) @@ n ~ Vec n d

This problem does not occur for vmap because we no longer need to unify the base and end case; they are distinct types in the dependent fold. What about the second problem, where the step function changes the type? For that conundrum,

  • p @@ l ~ (MapMotive d) @@ l ~ Vec l d
  • p @@ (l + 1) ~ (MapMotive d) @@ (l + 1) ~ Vec (l + 1) d
  • SNat l -> a -> p @@ l -> p @@ (l + 1) ~ SNat l -> c -> Vec l d -> Vec (l + 1) d (from unifying the step function for dfoldr and the step function defined in vmap)

we can see that the last constraint is consistent between the definition of dfoldr and the definition of vmap.

One fold to rule them all

The dfoldr fold is a strict superset of vfoldr. To demonstrate this, we can define vfoldr_by_dfoldr by returning the same type at each step of the fold

data FoldMotive (a :: Type) (f :: TyFun Nat Type) :: Type
type instance Apply (FoldMotive a) l = a

and applying the step function to the fold to both the incoming and intermediate value.

vfoldr_by_dfoldr :: KnownNat n => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vec n a -> b
vfoldr_by_dfoldr step base xs =
  dfoldr (Proxy :: Proxy (FoldMotive b))
        (\l value intermediate -> step value intermediate) base xs

Finally, we define the sum function using dfoldr via vfoldr_by_dfoldr.

vsum_by_dfoldr :: (KnownNat n, Num c) => Vec n c -> c
vsum_by_dfoldr = vfoldr_by_dfoldr (+) 0
-- Ex: vsum_by_dfoldr (1 :> 2 :> 3 :> Nil) == 6

Since dependently typed folds subsume the standard folds9, it would be possible to replace all folds with their dependent counterpart. I have doubts that this would be a good direction for Haskell; while we can likely automatically derive the definition of the standard fold from the dependent fold, the developer implementing an instance of the Foldable typeclass would now need to use dependent types, which may be a rough barrier especially if the developer has no intention for the fold to be used in a dependent context.

Comparison to a fully dependently typed language

One challenge that came up earlier in the post was the obfuscation of type level functions through Proxy, TyFun, Apply. In fully dependent type languages such as Agda, there is no distinction between values, types, or kinds. This means that when we define a function, we can use it at any level in the type hierarchy. We can demonstrate this by reimplementing dfoldr in Agda. The type of dfoldr in Agda is

-- Set is the same as Type in Haskell.
-- Agda needs the specific type `a` passed in; the curly
-- braces allow us to omit the types if the Agda compiler
-- can figure the types out automatically.
dfoldr : {a : Set}
        {n : Nat}
        (p : Nat  Set) -- Motive
        ((l : Nat)  a  p l  p (1 + l)) -- step function
        p 0 -- base case
        Vec a n
        p n

where the motive function p can be defined directly without the use of Proxy, and applied without a special operator (@@). The definition of dfoldr really demonstrates just how similar the regular and dependently typed fold are.

dfoldr {n = 0}       p step base []       = base
dfoldr {n = suc n-1} p step base (x ∷ xs) = step n-1 x (dfold p step base xs)
-- suc n == 1 + n

-- List version for comparison; ∷ and [] can be used for either
-- List or Vec, where the type is inferred by context.
foldr : {a b : Set} -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldr step base []       = base
foldr step base (x ∷ xs) = step x (foldr step base xs)

The only difference between the dependently typed fold on vectors and the fold on lists is passing around the type level step number n and the motive p. The subSNat function in the Haskell dfoldr is replaced by induction on n; a n + 1 is passed into dfoldr and n is passed down to the recursive call.

We can define the map function as well. The first step is to define the motive function

map_motive : Set -> Nat -> Set
map_motive a l = Vec a l

and then pass this function into dfoldr by partially applying it with the type of the output vector.

vmap : {c d : Set}  {n :}  (c  d)  Vec c n  Vec d n
vmap {c} {d} {n} f xs = dfoldr (map_motive d)  _ x xs  f x ∷ xs) [] xs
--                                   ↑
--                      map_motive is partially applied,
--                      leading to a Nat → Set function

Fully dependent type languages like Agda allow for type level shenanigans to be defined much more clearly because there is no difference between defining a type level and value level function. In fact, a function can often be used at any level of the type hierarchy; the + function can be used on Nat values, on Nat types, on Nat kinds, and beyond10!

To get the same functionality in Haskell, we had to go through quite a bit of extension gymnastics.

  • GADTs to define Vec.
  • TypeOperators to be able to use + on the type level.
  • DataKinds to be able to define type level Nat.
  • KindSignatures to be able to write out n :: Nat as a kind.
  • TypeFamilies to be able to define an instance of Apply
  • RankNTypes to require that the step function passed to dfoldr works for all steps (the forall l. part of the dfoldr definition).
  • ScopedTypeVariables to be able to reference the same c and d in our step function as in the top level vmap function.

Haskell’s dependent type features are exciting; they represent a way to use dependent types in a mainstream language while keeping all of the current libraries that exist in Hackage. The current developer experience of using dependent types is a tad challenging, but as dependent types become more fleshed out in Haskell the experience should improve.

Comments, questions?

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to do one of the following.


I would like to thank Daniel Hensley and Jon Thacker for reviewing drafts of this article.

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  1. GHC will probably find slightly different constraints to solve; these equations were chosen for pedagogical purposes.↩︎

  2. More info on GADT syntax can be found here:↩︎

  3. More accurately we would say that Vec is an indexed type family that is parameterized by the type a and indexed by the natural number n.↩︎

  4. “Complete” here means that the type has kind Type. All types that hold a value during runtime must have the kind Type.↩︎

  5. The reasoning here is the same as the prior note; types that eventually hold a value must end in -> Type. This is described in the paper “Promoting Functions to Type Families in Haskell” by Richard Eisenberg.↩︎

  6. All type level functions must be complete in the sense that all arguments have been given to the type level function when it is called.↩︎

  7. Or beer :-D↩︎

  8. Haskell is a bit strange with the type level function. If MapMotive is passed anything specified in the forall that is not d, it will correctly comment that argument passed to MapMotive does not unify with the other types. However, it will happily accept any other unspecified type variable. My assumption here is that if a new variable is introduced (say δ), it will implicitly add the forall δ_new_identifier quantification with a new identifier during type inference (as to not alias with an existing δ) and then conclude δ_new_identifier ~ d as the only way to make the types unify. Dependent languages similar to Haskell like Agda will not automatically universally quantify a stray type variable for you as generalized type inference is undecidable in a dependently typed context (see↩︎

  9. There is a version of dependent fold for lists as well, which can be demonstrated in Agda as follows.

    dfoldr : {a : Set} {p : List a  Set}
            ((x : a)  {xs : List a}  p xs  p (x ∷ xs))
            p []
            (l : List a)
            p l
    dfoldr step base []       = base
    dfoldr step base (x ∷ xs) = step x (dfoldr step base xs)

    The Agda variant uses a value level list reflected into the type (both for l and xs), which is hard/potentially not possible to do in Haskell at the moment.↩︎

  10. In Haskell, the hierarchy of objects is values -> types -> kinds -> sorts. Languages like Agda take this further and define a universe type hierarchy, which is indexed by a natural number. Specifically, in Agda the hierarchy is Set₀ -> Set₁ -> Set₂ -> …↩︎